Tennis is an incredibly popular sport in Russia, with many local players and spectators taking part in the sport. But the language of tennis is unique, and the Russian language has its own unique set of terms for describing the game. Here, we’ll explore some of the common tennis terms in Russian, so that you can familiarize yourself with the language of the sport.
This term means “army of pilots”, and it’s used to refer to a large group of players or spectators. It’s usually used to describe the crowd at a major tournament, and it implies that everyone is watching with the same level of enthusiasm.
This term literally translates to “to make wine”, and it’s used to describe a player who is playing poorly. It can also be used to describe a player who is playing with a lack of enthusiasm, or who is simply not giving their best effort.
This term translates to “to hang”, and it’s used to describe a player who is not playing very well. It implies that the player is not playing up to their potential, and is not able to perform at their best.
This term literally translates to “to take a step”, and it’s used to describe a player who is playing very well. It implies that the player is in control of the match and is able to make good decisions.
This term literally translates to “to lag behind”, and it’s used to describe a player who is playing poorly. It implies that the player is not able to keep up with their opponent, and is struggling to find their rhythm.
This term literally translates to “to reduce”, and it’s used to describe a player who is playing with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. It implies that the player is playing with great intensity, and is able to make quick decisions.
These are just a few of the common tennis terms in Russian. With a little bit of practice, you’ll soon be able to understand the language of the sport and follow the action on the court. So go ahead and start exploring the fascinating world of Russian tennis terminology!
Tennis is a beloved sport across the world, and is especially popular in countries such as Russia. However, if you don’t know the language, it can be difficult to understand the terms used in a game of tennis. This guide is designed to help beginners learn the common terms used in Russian tennis.
The most basic term in tennis is мяч (myach), which means “ball.” A match is referred to as матч (match). The court is known as корт (kort), and a player’s racket is called Ракетка (Raketka).
A game of tennis is typically scored in a system of points, games, and sets. A point is called очко (ochko), a game is игра (igra), and a set is сет (set). The winning score for a game is 4 points, and the winning score for a set is 6 games.
The basic shots used to play tennis are referred to by a variety of terms in Russian. The serve is known as подача (podacha), while a return shot is called возвращать (vozvratit). A groundstroke is called земляной удар (zemlyanoy udar), and a lob is лоб (lob). Finally, a smash is known as удар (udar).
In addition to the basic shots and scoring system, there are a variety of terms used to describe strategies used in a game of tennis. A defensive shot is known as защитный удар (zashchitnyy udar), while an offensive shot is наступательный удар (nastupatelnyy udar). A spin shot is called вращение (vrasheniye), and a drop shot is отпускание (otpuskaniye).
Learning the common tennis terms in Russian can help you understand the game better and keep up with the conversations of other players. With this handy guide, you should have no trouble understanding the basics of the sport, as well as the terms used to describe strategic plays.